Lambda component with IPC permissions in Greengrass V2


We have migrated a lambda from AWS Greengrass v1 to AWS Greengrass v2. This lambda needs to extract and decrypt a secret from Greengrass Core.

How can we authorize the component to perform IPC permissions to the lambda for that? Regular components recipes have the option ComponentConfiguration/DefaultConfiguration/accessControl. However when we build the component out of a lambda using AWS CLI create-component-version and option --lambda-function, there is no option to assign authorization policies.

One way we tried to make it work is by using a merge update in our deployment (as documented here).

    "accessControl": {
        "aws.greengrass.SecretManager": {
            "<my-component>:secrets:1": {
                "policyDescription": "Credentials for server running on edge.",
                "operations": [
                "resources": [

However the end recipe of the component (in the deployment) does not display the accessControl (AWS Greengrass Console), so we assume it has not been merge updated.

  "ComponentConfiguration": {
    "DefaultConfiguration": {
      "lambdaExecutionParameters": {
        "EnvironmentVariables": {
          "LOG_LEVEL": "DEBUG"
      "containerParams": {
        "memorySize": 16384,
        "mountROSysfs": false,
        "volumes": {},
        "devices": {}
      "containerMode": "NoContainer",
      "timeoutInSeconds": 30,
      "maxInstancesCount": 10,
      "inputPayloadEncodingType": "json",
      "maxQueueSize": 200,
      "pinned": false,
      "maxIdleTimeInSeconds": 30,
      "statusTimeoutInSeconds": 30,
      "pubsubTopics": {
        "0": {
          "topic": "dt/app/+/status/update",
          "type": "PUB_SUB"

Any guidance here would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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asked 2 years ago565 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Merge updates are in a deployment, they do not update the recipe of the component.

The merge is the correct way to set the access control. You can view the actual configuration which is applied on the device by using the local greengrass CLI.

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • We checked using Greengrass-cli in GG Core and the accessControl is there. Works like a charm! Thanks!

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