CloudWatch - Alert creation problem: EC2 actions are not available for Metric Math monitors.


Trying to create a new Alert based on a CPUUtilization metric with minimum statistics and a period of 1 minute.Graph

The conditions are the following: Time limit: anomaly detection model. When CPUUtilization is Major (>). Anomaly detection limit 5.

Actions Notification: When In alarm mode, send notification to "Default_CloudWatch_Alarms_Topic" EC2 Action: When In alarm mode, restart this instance (instance ID: )

When saving the alarm it throws me the following error:


Please if someone can guide me to know what I'm doing wrong

thank you so much

1 Answer

The graph on the first page appears to have two metrics selected.
In that case, the EC2 action cannot be set because it may be judged as a formula-based metric.
Try to have only one metric to select.

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answered a year ago

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