SES suppressing all addresses to a domain


All mails sent to a domain are being bounced with:
However none of the destinations are visible in account supression list.
I am using this to examine list:
aws sesv2 list-suppressed-destinations | grep "my-domain-name"
Is there any other setting which suppresses a domain?
The destination domain itself is a SES verified domain.
If I disable BOUNCE reason from account suppression settings, the emails get delivered correctly.
Any pointers to reolve much appericitaed.

asked 2 years ago1127 views
1 Answer

The only other suppression list would be the global suppression list [1] although given that it succeeds when disabling your account suppression list sure seems the domain is on the account level list. Would be worth attempting to remove the destinations [2] in question from your account suppression list to see if that succeeds or fails.

[1] [2]

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for your answer. It was a rather silly issue. I did'nt realize that 'aws sesv2 list-sppressed-destinations' command does not list all the destination in a single invocation. It returns a 'NextToken' in json output, if there are more to be listed. Caller is then required to invoke command again with the token passed in --next-token arguement. Wish there was an option though to dump the entire list in single shot, for convinience in scripts etc.

  • Ah thats fair, yh some commands will handle the pagination or are supposed to but seems like its not supported on all commands

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