create a knowledge base of AWS Bedrock with User Access level


I want to create a knowledge base on AWS Bedrock using Pinecone DB. The key features include:

  1. Categorizing all S3 folder files based on user access context.
  2. Generating responses from specific files/topics when users inquire about them.
  3. Exploring how Pinecone stores data with categorized user context information.

For example, with three customers (A, B, and C) holding different roles (Sales Admin, Sales Executive Manager, and Finance Manager), documents related to policies, roles, and limitations are stored on AWS S3. Each customer typically asks questions related to their role-based topics. The challenge is to implement this knowledge base and manage embeddings on Pinecone DB effectively.

asked 10 months ago817 views
1 Answer


We have a workshop available that outlines a solution that may fit your use-case, even though it utilizes OpenSearch rather than Pinecone. I'd encourage you to try it out, as it should help clarify most aspects of your overall solution. The key is to use the recently launched metadata filtering.

With respect to tie it to an E2E authorisation pattern pls refer to this question.

Thanks, Rama

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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