AWS Does not allow import of demo content



I am using Uncode wordpress theme on top of Bitnami and AWS. Seems that either AWS or Bitnami are preventing the download and upload (automatic) of the demo content. I tried changing parameters in wp-config and php.ini file, changing inbound/outbound parameters of security groups, restarting the server, restarting the instance...

Are there any settings in AWS which by default prevent the download and installation of the theme's demo content? Is there anything else you could suggest?

asked a month ago44 views
1 Answer

Hi there,

Does your VPC setup with internet access? It needs to be setup either via Internet Gateway or NAT Gateway.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Hi Cheng, thanks for your message. I is a default configuration - I see 1 VPC, 3 subnets, 1 route table and 1 network connection (igw). Do I need to change anything there?

  • Hi Dragon, can you confirm if you route table has a route pointing to the IGW? Also check if the subnet your EC2 sits is associated with the route table.

  • Hi Cheng Wang, yes - I have a route table entry pointing to the IGW, and when I click on VPC, I see three entries. All three are associated with the same route table. Do you have any other ides?

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