My client is unable to access ALB URL but I am able to do so. Why?


My client is not able to access ALB URL, but I am able to access the same. ALB URL's security group has "All Traffic" rule in both inbound and outbound rules. Also my EC2 instance is windows and I have deactivated its firewall to not block any incoming IP addresses. How to solve this issue.

  • What error message is the client getting? There's not enough information here to troubleshoot this further.

1 Answer

That's the issue. No error is flashing on the client side. Not even in the browser console of Google Chrome which they are using. Also, I found that the API request made from my SaaS by the client didn't hit my API Code written in Node JS

answered 2 years ago
  • What about their DNS responses? Are they getting the same response that you are? That might explain why you're not seeing the hits on the API.

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