Amplify AccessDenied with PDF file in root folder


I'm trying to host a PDF file in the root folder of an otherwise empty Amplify app. I'm deploying the app through GitHub. For some reason I'm getting an AccessDenied error when reaching the PDF file like so:

Everything was setup using the default configuration. index.html in the root folder works just fine. Leaving the PDF is a subfolder also works fine.

What could be wrong? Thanks

asked 2 years ago713 views
2 Answers

Good question! I would check your Amplify build settings to see how you have set up your artifacts and the structure for that:

The “Access Denied” error tells me that the folder is not initialized correctly.

answered 2 years ago

Check S3 Bucket Permissions: You can ensure that the S3 bucket associated with your Amplify project has the appropriate permissions to allow public access or authenticated access to the PDF file.

  • Navigate to the Amazon S3 console.
  • Select your bucket.
  • Go to the "Permissions" tab.
  • Review the bucket policy and ensure it allows the necessary access. You might need to add a policy that allows GetObject permissions for public or authenticated users.

Here's an example of an S3 bucket policy allowing public read access:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:GetObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-bucket-name/*"
answered 10 months ago

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