WorkDocs Drive Fails on Mac OSX Monterey after a short period of running


I have a Mac mini, Intel i5, 32GB, 256GB SSD, 2018. I was using WorkDocs Drive under Big Sur without any issues. Just upgraded to Monterey, Mac OSX Version 12.0.1, and after the final reboot, I see many macFUSE errors generated by WorkDocs Drive. Uninstalled WorkDocs Drive and also deleted all references to macFUSE from the various locations on my Mac boot drive, rebooted. Reinstalled WorkDocs Drive fresh using the latest WorkDocs download mac client from Amazon (from here: ). The WorkDocs drive appears to work fine for about 30 mins or so, and then I get macFUSE errors (about 6 popup windows), and WorkDocs shuts down and stops working, and I cannot restart WorkDocs Drive without reinstalling it. Once I reinstall the WorkDocs Drive, the same issue returns: WorkDocs Drive works for about 30 mins, then fails with the same macFUSE errors (synch related?). Your help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

asked 3 years ago554 views
1 Answer

I'm having this same problem with a 2019 16" MacBook Pro (i7 model). Were you able to resolve the issue?

answered 3 years ago

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