How to delete a file on a remote SFTP server with Transfer Family Connector ?


With Transfer Family Connector and a lambda, I am working to build an automated process to retrieve files from an external SFTP server. Once retrieved, the files need to be deleted. As of September 2024, it seems there is no delete function available with TF Connector. But maybe I am missing something ?

asked 2 months ago116 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi! As you rightly noted, SFTP connector currently does not support a delete operation. However, the AWS Transfer Family service team is working on a roadmap to introduce the same - could you please reach out to the service team via AWS support or your account team to discuss your requirements?

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

Can you check the rm command of the CLI ?

Here’s an example of how it might look:

sftp> cd /remote/directory
sftp> rm file_to_delete.txt

Or you can remove the file from the S3 ?

aws s3 rm /path/of/your/file
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answered 2 months ago
  • My concern is about Transfer Family Connectors which is used as an SFTP client. The SFTP server is not hosted into AWS, it's a remote server owned by an external partner.

    With AWS CLI, I don't find any API to delete files on the remote sftp server :

    We can list a remote directory (API start-directory-listing), We can start a transfer, push or pull (API start-file-transfer), But nothing to delete the file on the remote server after the transfer complete.

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