How to update NGINX to latest version (1.25.5) in an elastic beanstalk environment?


The current version of NGINX on the load balancer in an elastic beanstalk environment is "End of Life". How to change environment config to use the latest version? or better yet - how to set it up, so that the NGINX version gets automatically updated to latest version when it is available. This is a security issue and I need to update the NGINX version.

asked 24 days ago154 views
1 Answer


I think the following documents will be helpful for automating ElasticBeanstalk platform updates.

Also, if you are using a managed platform provided by AWS, it seems that Nginx 1.24.0 is being used even if it is the latest version, as far as the table in the document below shows.
If you are using a managed platform, I think it is best to wait for AWS to update it.

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answered 24 days ago
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reviewed 23 days ago

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