EC2 Nginx shouldn't be there yet it is


When I attempt to connect to one of my ec2 instances on port 80 without anything running on it I noticed an nginx 404 page when I don't have nginx running on my ec2 instance. This doesn't happen when I use port 3000.

This seems to be interfering with my websocket setup as when I have my websocket server listen to port 80 the connection fails due to a missing upgrade header yet when I have it listen to port 3000 it works fine.

Has anyone had any issue with an nginx server interfering with an ec2 instance when nginx is not on the ec2 instance?

asked 9 months ago242 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Not being funny but if your getting an Nginx page on port 80 on your ec2 then it’s very likely you’ve either nginx running or a webpage being served by some thing on your EC2

I’d do a netstat -an | grep 80 and see what’s listening.

Also ps -eg and see if any processes look like web server process.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • So the strange thing is that it's not doing this any more.

    Not sure if it was just a glitch that day or what.

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