Copy/Paste file to AWS Workspaces



I use an AWS Workspaces with protocol PCOIP. I uses the windows client to connect to my workspace.

How can I transfert a file from my local computer to my workspaces session ? Copy/paste is working with text but not with file ? How can I send the file to Workspace


asked a year ago9.7K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi FabienG,

There is no native way to transfer files between the local computer and the WorkSpace, this is by design for a higher level of security. I personally use a cloud storage service to fill in this gap. I use Amazon WorkDocs, but you could also use Dropbox, Google Drive, or other. You would, of course, need to have the permissions on your Workspace to be able to install those clients. If you don't have a client installed, those cloud services also have equivalent websites to go to directly to upload/download your files. Keep in mind that your organization can audit/block any traffic they want so those methods might not work for you.

Hope this helps!


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answered a year ago
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answered a month ago

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