File System (FS) stuck with DELETING status in AWS FSX ONTAP


Hello AWS team:

I have a problem, the file system is in a deleting state for more than a month.

ID FS: fs-06150346f1c642c03

I would like to know how to force the elimination of this. Try the AWS CLI and it can't be deleted either, it is left in that state deleting and never deleting. AWS, can you force to remove it?


asked 3 years ago1503 views
4 Answers

Please contact AWS support and open a case to get this issue resolved - Select Technical Support and set the case details to Service: FSx for NetApp ONTAP - Linux; Category: File System; Severity: General guidance.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

The support plan that we have does not allow the opening of cases for technical support, that is why I asked in these forums trying to know if the reason was more an error of my own or it is of enormous severity, since it is being charged for a service It says deleting a long time ago and nothing is being deleted.

answered 3 years ago

I'll have someone from support reach out to you directly.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

On the Amazon EC2 console, terminate your instance. For more information, see Terminate Your Instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

Open the Amazon FSx console at

On the Amazon FSx console, delete all of your FSx for ONTAP volumes that are not root volumes of your SVM. For more information, see Deleting a volume.

Delete all of your FSx for ONTAP SVMs. For more information, see Deleting a storage virtual machine.

On the Amazon FSx console, delete your file system. When you delete a file system, all automatic backups are deleted automatically. However, you still must delete any manually created backups. The following steps outline this process.

From the console dashboard, choose the name of the file system that you created for this exercise.

For Actions, choose Delete file system.

In the Delete file system dialog box, enter the ID of the file system that you want to delete in the File system ID box.

Choose Delete file system.

The file system is now being deleted, and its status in the dashboard changes to DELETING. When the file system has been deleted, it no longer appears in the dashboard. Any automatic backups are deleted along with the file system.

Now you can delete any manually created backups for your file system. From the left-side navigation, choose Backups.

From the dashboard, choose any backups that have the same File system ID as the file system that you deleted, and choose Delete backup. Be sure to retain the final backup, if you created one.

The Delete backups dialog box opens. Keep the check box selected for the IDs of the backups that you want to delete, and then choose Delete backups.

Your Amazon FSx file system and any related automatic backups are now deleted, along with any manual backups that you chose to delete as well.

answered 3 years ago
  • I tried it but the root volume of a fsx file system couldn't be deleted. Delete volume button is greyed out

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