Does AWS opensearch domain down affect GitLab search functionality?


We use AWS OpenSearch domain with GitLab to enable Advanced search feature.

Just want to know incase of AWS OpenSearch domain down, will it impact at only indexing or other places also?

1 Answer

Hi Chintan

if your AWS OpenSearch domain goes down, it will primarily impact the indexing and search functionality of GitLab's Advanced Search feature.

  • Indexing: New code changes and updates will not be indexed into the OpenSearch domain.
  • Search: Users will be unable to perform searches using Advanced Search capabilities. Basic search functionalities might still work, depending on how they are implemented.

However, if your workflow heavily relies on Advanced Search, a domain outage can significantly impact productivity and code management.

OpenSearch Domain Redundancy: Consider implementing redundancy mechanisms like multiple domains or cross-region replication to mitigate the impact of outages.

Monitoring and Alerts: Set up robust monitoring and alerting systems to detect domain issues promptly and initiate recovery procedures.

For more follow the links

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answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks Sandeep.

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