EC2 Newbie - Need to change Security Groups but not all are showing?


My question is, why do I not see all of my Security Groups when trying to change Security Groups, for an instance? Both EC2 instances are running and assigned Security Groups that show up in Image (1) below. I want to change the Security Group for the instanced name "Employee Directory App" [i-02f05ea7878442841] from launch-wizard-1 to launch-wizard-2

However, when I use the Change Security Group option, launch-wizard-2 is not available. The reason I want to do this is so I can set up an ELB. Currently, when trying to set up an ELB, I only have one target to put into the target group for my "app-vpc". I believe this is happening because my "Employee Directory App" EC2 instance has the wrong security group.

I have 2 VPCs (1 default, 1 custom) I have 2 EC2 instances I have a few Security Groups but only 2 in my custom VPC

Image (1) EC2 Instances Image (2) Security Groups Image (3) Change Security Group Options

Not sure if this is a simple configuration issue or what I missed exactly. Looking for any guidance the community can provide.

asked a year ago884 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi. It seems that Employee Directory App instance and launch-wizard-2 are belonging different vpcs. You cant attach sg in different vpc to your instance.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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