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Minimizing loading on RDS DB instance while running DMS 'full load + cdc' task


Hello all, I have a currently running RDS db instance (primary) for production and we would like to add a task running 'Fullload + CDC' (or running 'Fullload' or 'CDC' separately) to this instance. However, as I tested, such execution utilized most resources. To prevent this, we are considering establishing a replica of this primary db instance. Yet, replica can perform 'read-only' and fails to run 'cdc'.

Is there any solution to solve the dilemma that we can run 'full load + cdc' (on a replica) while giving the minimized loading to the rds instance?

Many thanks.

2 Answers


you do not mention the type of your source database.

If it is SQL server: DMS supports replication from a read-only replica since v3.4.7. See

Support SQL Server read replica as a source	
AWS DMS now supports SQL Server read replica as a source. Using AWS DMS, 
you can now perform live migrations from SQL Server read replica to any AWS 
DMS supported target.

All details re. how-to at at

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profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hello Didier

Thank you for your reply. We're using MySQL 5.7 and still trying to achieve the goal. Many thanks.

answered a year ago

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