Aurora PostgreSQL cluster stuck in Upgrading status


Hi, I would like to delete an Aurora PostgreSQL cluster that is stuck in Upgrading status for several days now. I was able to use the AWS CLI to trigger the deletion of the single writer instance in the cluster and that is now in Deleting status but I am unable to delete the cluster itself. When I run the aws rds delete-db-cluster ... command, I don't get any error but it also does not delete the cluster. It remains in the Upgrading status. Any suggestions or ideas on how to proceed will be helpful. This is a dev account so we don't have technical support enabled.

asked 2 years ago744 views
1 Answer


This would be the best looked after by the support indeed. It's possible to buy a support plan for a short term (1 month) if you don't want paying for longer than that.

answered 2 years ago

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