Change instance from t2.nano to t4g.nano


I wanted to change my current instance from t2.nano to t4g.nano. I tried by creating an AMI of t2.nano instance and launching an t4g.nano instance from it but didn't work, probably due to Architecture difference. Is it possible to do so by any other means ?

asked 2 years ago1339 views
2 Answers

Difference in architecture may cause issues if you just mirror your application over from x86 to arm architecture. What I can think on the top of my head is to re-create/re-install your apps in the t4g.nano then rsync over the data from t2.nano to t4g.nano. Alternatively, create a snapshot out of the t2.nano and create volume out of that then attach that volume to a t4g.nano.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


This documentation explains how to change the instance type:

Kind regards, Marilyn

answered 2 years ago

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