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Unable to Connect to RDS Instance After Endpoint Address Change after restore


I would like to ask why, after restoring a snapshot in RDS and naming it differently, I am unable to connect. The original instance was named 'mysql8', and after the restoration, it became 'mysql8-test.

I am using MySQL Workbench to connect, but still unable to establish a connection. What should I do to troubleshoot this?

I have confirmed that the VPC is the same as before, but the only difference is that the endpoint address has changed.

Does anyone know the reason for this?

asked 8 months ago254 views
1 Answer

First of all, you need to verify DNS resolution as below.

At the client,
$ dig <rds endpoint> +short

Indeed, need to make sure that the mysql port is opened, the inbound and outbound 3306 port.
Please share with me the more detailed situation to troubleshoot if it doesn't work.

Connecting to a DB instance running the MySQL database engine

answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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