Cognito Custom authentication flow between web app and mobile app
Hi all
I have a login flow with Cognito in the web app and mobile app like this:
Web app -> login with user/password -> cognito -> OTP -> validate success -> Home page
But now I have another requirement: Cognito should skip the OTP process when the user logs in with a biometric method (face, fingerprint..). The login process will become like this:
Web app -> login with biometric -> cognito -> Home page. (skip the OTP issue and validate the OTP steps)
How can I achieve this?
Thanks for your comment. But I need to skip the OTP step when the user login with biometrics while keeping the OTP working when user log in with user/password
Thanks for your comment. But I need to skip the OTP step when the user login with biometrics while keeping the OTP working when user log in with user/password