Vacuum command stuck for hours


vacuum is taking too much time on any table. Even on a table with just 36 records, it didn't succeed even after executing for more than 2.5 hours and I had to cancel the query.

How can I resolve this?

Thank you

asked 3 months ago421 views
1 Answer


Can you monitor the progress of vacuum using below query to get estimate.

SELECT * FROM svv_vacuum_progress;

Check the cluster performance health while the vacuum running to check if hitting with any cpu bottleneck or storage issues etc. refer Viewing cluster performance data

Also take a look at How do I troubleshoot performance issues with VACUUM in Amazon Redshift? and follow the vacuum best practices.

answered 3 months ago
  • There is no bottleneck, CPU is around 50% also the health status is healthy. Everything seems to be normal. svv_vacuum_progress - Does give output expect in my case. While I am executing vacuum for table 'A'. I getting result only for table 'X' as complete.

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