Proxy server redirection


I have my backend server and services running on a particular AWS region(us-east-1) and they works good. There are some users in other region(ap-south-1) for whom accessing my current backend services from current region(us-east-1) is kind of a Illegal thing.

How can I setup a proxy server in their region(ap-south-1), which on behalf of them will try to access my backend services and provide response to them.

1 Answer

From you describtion, it looks like a, there is connectivity between ap-south-1 and us-east-1 already b, only clients in ap-south-1 region arent allowed to directly query backend servers in us-east-1 howerver a proxyserver/some instance in ap-south-1 is allowed to directly query the backend servers. if the above are right, and provided we are talking about web traffic you can use an alb (would work as reverse proxy)with target as the backend servers and provide ALB ip as frontend to clients or even an ec2 linux instance with some proxy service like squid or any 3rd party device

answered a year ago

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