Adding a User to Simple AD Directory in Workspaces - AWS CLI


I have recently created a Simple AD directory for the purpose of launching a bunch of Workspaces. Normally, I create the workspace through the console when a user requests one. First, I add the user to the Simple AD through the workspace management console, then I launch the workspace for that user. Now, I am looking for a way to add the user and create the workspace though the CLI. However, it seems that AWS only allows Simple AD user addition through the console. The only alternative I found was to add the user through WorkDocs, but this way, I have to set the user's password (required parameter) rather than having the user set their own password. Additionally, my intention is to create a workspace, not a WorkDocs site. I don't understand why would AWS let you programmatically add the user to Simple AD through WorkDocs, but not through Workspaces. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Edited by: JayBachir on Apr 26, 2019 11:49 AM

asked 6 years ago1.1K views
3 Answers

Any Updates on adding users via AWS CLI?

answered a year ago

Hi Folks, any update on this request; cannot believe is not supported using API where you can do in the UI

answered 7 months ago

Hi Jay,

Thanks for the feedback. WorkSpaces currently doesn't support adding users via AWS CLI (or using the APIs). However, we have recorded this request and will evaluate for future delivery.


answered 6 years ago

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