Lighsail container from private ECR


Hi all,

I've tried setting up my first Lightsail container application and have a built container uploaded to a private ECR (Elastic Container Registry). Each time I try to deploy the container it fails without giving me any information on why, all I'm seeing is that "Deployment Failed", and the details on the container is not much more insightful:
[deployment:5] Creating your deployment
[deployment:5] Started 1 new node
[deployment:5] Started 1 new node
[deployment:5] Started 1 new node
[deployment:5] Canceled

I did find another thread with a user who mentioned this issue, and noted that when on a public registry they're able to push.

My questions are then:

  • Am I not able to use lightsail with a private repo (e.g. ECR)?
  • How would I setup an IAM profile to allow this, if possible?

Thank you in advance.

asked 3 years ago398 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi macolsson,

You'll have to push your container images directly to Lightsail where they will be kept private. Here are some instructions:

answered 3 years ago
profile picture
reviewed a month ago

Hi Alex, thanks for your response. This is the route I took and as I figured.

answered 3 years ago

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