Hello again everyone
Im here again with a few doubts related to the drawing of my architecture for a MMORPG (for my MBA program),
I just wanted to check if its this drawing is understandable, or if there is anything that seems strange:
The Aurora DB is going to be used as a User Database (for private information, payment methods and so on)
DynamoDB and DAX for game server database (DAX mainly for Scoreboard)
I have 1 lambda function image with several arrows on it, but I thought I needed only 1 lambda image to show its a function, but its not gonna be the same funtion. the idea over there is something like this
GAme Server > SQS > Comprehend > Lambda > Game server: for chat moderation
Route53 > Lambda > DynamoDB/S3: For avatar creation
DynamoDB > Lambda > Api Gateway > 3rd party payment: for ingame store
My Professor said its a bit confusing, and also its not understanding how the server on the Public Subnet are connecting to the servers on the Private Subnet (I thought the NLB would show that its how the connection is being done)
What do you guys think so far of my solution? I know I could go with something easier, but whats the fun in it?
Any advice, suggestion or anything is highly appreciate!