What happens with the root volume storages when standard RIs are merged?


I am currently learning about different Amazon RI types and came across merging of standard RIs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ri-modifying.html). However the documentation doesn't specify anything about the changes in the EBS-backed root volume. Since instances, even of same size with same creation AMI, can have different EBS-backed root volume (due to installation of new different softwares), how does AWS selects which root volume of the unmerged instances becomes the root volume of the target instances? Also, what happens with the sizes of the storage, i.e., if I combine instances with volume size 10GB and 20GB, then what is the size of the target instances storage volume?

asked a month ago221 views
1 Answer

RI Merging affects billing and instance capacity without changing the EBS root volumes. The size of the root volumes remains as per the AMI and instance type used. Merging RIs does not impact or combine the storage sizes of existing instances; new instances will have root volumes based on their configuration. Essentially, RI merging is focused on cost and capacity management, not on altering EBS root volumes or their sizes.

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