In the AWS Well-Architected Labs, there is a link titled "Amazon Elastic Compute Service (ECS)" which points to the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) overview but the service name is incorrect. The correct title for the link should be "Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)".
Replication Steps:
Go to this link
Select 'Operational Excellence' on Sidebar.
Click on 'Start the Operational Excellence Workshop'.
Select Prepare > Automating operations with Playbooks and Runbooks > 'Deploy the sample application environment'.
Now in description section of first paragraph locate the link titled "Amazon Elastic Compute Service (ECS)".
If we click it then Amazon Elastic Container Service page is displayed which is as expected according to architecture diagram explained as below under "Actions items in this section".
Expected Result:
The link title should be "Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)" to accurately reflect the content of the linked page.
Actual Result:
The link title is "Amazon Elastic Compute Service (ECS)", which is misleading as it points to the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) overview.
After link is clicked:
Additional Information:
Please correct the link title to avoid confusion among users who might be looking for information on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instead of Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS).
Thank you for your patience , Please note the incorrect Service Name has been corrected.