Can I rely on EXT-X-SESSION-DATA BROADCAST-ID changing per start ?


The master playlist contains a 'broadcast-id' field


It seems to update whenever I stop and start the stream. Is that something I can rely on ?

asked 3 years ago233 views
3 Answers

Hi Olufunke,

Can you please share with us more details on the use case that you are trying to achieve?

It may be possible that what you are looking to do can be done via Amazon EventBridge with IVS using stream_id

answered 3 years ago

aws-nazree wrote:
Hi Olufunke,

Can you please share with us more details on the use case that you are trying to achieve?

I'm using a hls.js player for IVS, and when a stream is stopped and then restarted the player doesn't pick that up by itself. I want to it to go back to the master playlist and see if livestreaming has restarted, so this is mostly a sanity check in case I'd get stale date (the previous streams) and I don't try to replay the old content.

I also want to use it to distinguish between MediaPackage and IVS streams, as MediaLive doesn't have the broadcast ID - and applying the same algorithm to a MediaPackage otherwise causes the player to simply reloop the last few segments if the stream is stopped but not restarted

It may be possible that what you are looking to do can be done via Amazon EventBridge with IVS using stream_id

Then I need to connect the client browsers to the eventbridge somehow. It seems more convenient to check the master playlist, as they already have that URL.

answered 3 years ago

Hi all,

The ‘broadcast-id’ field sent within the manifest file can be used to distinguish between different stream sessions, as each stream will have a unique broadcast session id associated with it. However, there are multiple things that we want to warn about when using this value:

  • Mapping of the broadcast-id: The value present in the manifest file is not a system wide identification value. For example, the broadcast-id in the manifest file will not be the same one found within the EventBridge Stream State Change events ( This means that correlating which broadcast the viewer is watching to the stream session through these values is not directly possible.
  • Support for the broadcast-id: The broadcast-id value within the manifest file is not a supported API value. This means that it is subject to be changed or removed without warning, thus we advise against referencing values found within the manifest file directly. While we do not expect the manifest file contents to be changed, we wanted to provide this warning.
answered 3 years ago

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