How can I install .NET 3.5 on a Workspace Image/Bundle?


Hello, I have an application that is requiring .NET 3.5 enabled in our Amazon Workspace Image/Bundle. In attempting to enable/install it via the "standard" method of selecting it in Server Manager/Add Roles and Features Wizard, I'm unable to determine how to mount the X:\Sources\SXS folder and attempting install with Internet connectivity fails citing "The component store has been corrupted. Error: 0x80073712."

Per other forums I attempt to solve Error: 0x80073712 by running the following 3 commands in sequence:

dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
sfc /scannow

However, the /restorehealth command errors before successful completion (at 88.8%) with "Error: 1734 - The array bounds are invalid".

I'm stuck, can anyone provide details about how to enable .NET 3.5 in an Amazon Workspace?

asked 7 months ago389 views
2 Answers

Is this a Windows 2019 or 2022 server?

You can install through Add Roles and Features Wizard.

Do refer to Install .NET Framework on Windows Server 2022 and Install .NET Framework on Windows Server 2019

answered 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply. As noted, these are Amazon Workspaces, not a stand-alone EC2 Server instance, created through the Amazon Workspaces interface. When the Workstation bundle was created "Windows 10" was selected but I believe this is actually an emulated desktop OS as AWS indicates it is actually "Windows 2016 Server based". I can possibly upgrade the bundle to Server 2019 or 2022 based but regardless... I had mentioned that the method I used and ended up at that error was as you recommended, using the Add Roles and Features Wizard and that the resultant error is what the Wizard displays when it fails.

answered 7 months ago

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