Remove partially deployed Control Tower Landing Zone


I tried to deploy Control Tower so that I can use AFT but I made a mistake when setting up Control Tower in that I chose the wrong region for my home region so the Control Tower deployment fails as all my Identity Center SSO is setup in a different region but it won't let me change the Home region for Control Tower, it just tries to use the same configuration which is not what I want.

I have looked at the docs but that mentions decommissioning an existing Landing Zone but my Landing Zone isn't fully deployed so I cant decommission it

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hey Brewerton,

Clean Up Manually: You may need to manually delete any resources that Control Tower partially created, like S3 buckets or AWS accounts. This might involve checking the AWS Management Console and removing any leftover resources.

Start Fresh: Once you have cleaned up, you should be able to start a new Control Tower setup and choose the correct home region.

Ask for Help: If you're not sure how to clean up or if you run into problems, you can contact AWS Support. They can help guide you through the process or assist with the cleanup.

Alternative Solution:

1. Automate Cleanup with AWS CLI

  • Identify Resources: Use AWS CLI to list and identify resources created by Control Tower. This can include CloudFormation stacks, S3 buckets, and other resources.
  • Delete Resources: Automate the deletion process with CLI commands to quickly clean up the environment.
# List CloudFormation stacks
aws cloudformation list-stacks --stack-status-filter CREATE_FAILED DELETE_FAILED

# Delete a specific stack
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <stack-name>

# List S3 buckets
aws s3api list-buckets

# Delete a specific bucket
aws s3 rb s3://<bucket-name> --force

2. Use AWS CloudFormation to Handle Cleanup

CloudFormation Stack Deletion: If Control Tower created CloudFormation stacks, use the AWS Management Console or CLI to delete these stacks. This can automate the cleanup of related resources.

3. Reset Control Tower Environment

Reset Using Control Tower CLI: If available, use AWS Control Tower CLI commands to reset the environment. This can simplify the cleanup process.

4. Consult AWS Support for Quick Resolution

Open a Support Case: If you encounter obstacles or need rapid assistance, open a support case with AWS. They can help expedite the cleanup process and guide you on starting fresh.

5. Start Fresh in a New AWS Account

New Environment: Create a new AWS account or use a different environment to set up Control Tower correctly from scratch. This avoids the complexities of cleaning up a partially deployed environment.

answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
reviewed 4 months ago
  • I've removed all resources I can find in the console but it still wants to "retry" the setup

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