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MGN Migration - Windows \ Linux Test instances - unable to login through SSM


As part of MGN Migration Launched Test instances for both Windows \ Linux instances. In Post Launch action template, for both Test and Cutover instances have selected to Install the SSM agent and to create the IAM Roles related to System Manager

But after launching Test instances, unable to connect any of the Test instances through SSM. Even Host configuration is created in SSM but no luck to login to the instances through SSM

SSM Session manager is Not listing the Test instances. Even fully migrated instance (cutover completed) instances also not listed in SSM

When trying to open the Test instance through RDP client its erroring out saying EC2Keypair is not associated with the instance

Is there a way to login to the Test instances in this scenario without keypair & SSM ?

1 Answer

You should be able to login to the Test instance using the Local credentials of your source server which is replicating into AWS MGN service.

Once you are logged into the instance, I would suggest running "ssm-cli" diagnostic tool (1) and reviewing the SSM agent logs to identify the reason for SSM issue on the Test instance


(-) Windows : & 'C:\Program Files\Amazon\SSM\ssm-cli.exe' get-diagnostics --output table

(-) Linux : ssm-cli get-diagnostics --output table

SSM Agent logs:

(-) Windows : %PROGRAMDATA%\Amazon\SSM\Logs\

(-) Linux : /var/log/amazon/ssm/

Additionally, please also check article (2) to troubleshoot SSM issue.



(2) Troubleshoot "ConnectionLost" status -

answered 9 months ago
  • Also, you need to either have VPC endpoint created for SSM service if you want to connect via private link or have Internet connectivity to reach SSM public endpoint.

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