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AWS Application Migration service Legacy Replication Agent fails to install



I'm attempting to install the AWS Legacy Replication Agent on a Windows 2008 R2 server but it fails with the error message:

This agent installer is not suitable for the current operating system. You can d ownload the appropriate installer from: ows/AwsReplicationInstaller.exe

I did attempt to install the non-legacy installer just to try, but it expectedly failed with the following.

AwsReplicationWindowsInstaller.exe Traceback (most recent call last): File "build\installer_utils\", line 19, in <module> File "c:\build\prod_windows_installer\.python-3.8.10-32bit\lib\site-packages\P yInstaller\loader\", line 623, in exec_module File "ctypes\", line 7, in <module> ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _ctypes: The parameter is incorrect [1568] Failed to execute script uuid_monkey

I've tried downloading and installing the legacy agent from multiple regions, the primary being ap-east-1 (Hong Kong) and the test being us-east-2 (Oregon), but it fails regardless of the region.

Does anyone have any experience successfully installing the agent on Windows Server 2008 R2 or is there an older version of the agent that actually install successfully and I can download?


1 Answer


Remember that AWSReplicationWindowsLegacyInstaller.exe is intended for Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

For Windows Server 2008 R2 you should use the AWSReplicationWindowsInstaller.exe

If that's your scenario then you can follow the steps below to solve the issue:

  1. Install .Net 4.5.1

  2. Upgrade SP1 using kb976932

2.1 Download April 2015 servicing stack update (This is needed before the convenience rollup update in the next step) ​​​​

2.2 Download Convenience rollup update (the requirement for the update is the above SP1 and April 2015 servicing stack)

  1. Download the Root CA certificates from

3.1 Download the DER files

  • AmazonRootCA1

  • SFRootCAG2

    Root CAs

3.2 Import/Install Certificates | Import the certificates in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder (LOCAL COMPUTER):


  1. Run your AWSReplicationWindowsInstaller



Credits and recognition to Imthian - AWS Cloud Support Eng.

answered 2 years ago

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