CUDOS - Trusted Advisor Dashboard New Updated Version Failing to Deploy



Is anyone having this issue where the Trusted Advisor dashboard deployment is failing with this error - Error: error waiting for CloudFormation Stack (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) update: failed to update CloudFormation stack (UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE): ["Received response status [FAILED] from custom resource. Message returned: Athena query failed: line 219:1: Column 'resource' cannot be resolved.

I checked in Athena, the tableta_organizational_view_reports does not have this column name Enter image description here

asked 2 years ago316 views
1 Answer

Hello, yes we observe that on previous versions of CID deployment tool Please do following:

  1. Udate your CFN stack parameter CidVersion to 0.2.12
  2. Retry TAO deploy
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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