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How do I add nodes to SAP HANA scale-out deployment backed by Amazon EBS volumes?


When running hdbclm, SAP HANA will check if the underlying Amazon EBS storage of data and logs is shared. When adding node to SAP HANA backed system with Amazon EBS volumes, you may encounter error:

Directory '/hana/data/SID/mnt00001' is not shared on host123. 

Posting this question to share the resolution.

asked 8 months ago483 views
1 Answer

Customers can setup scale-out SAP HANA system on AWS with multiple hosts backed by Amazon EBS volumes. With Amazon EBS volumes, multi-host SAP HANA install must be performed on a non-shared storage configuration. After installing the SAP HANA coordinator node, additional nodes can be added to SAP HANA environment. Below steps will help resolve errors when adding nodes to existing SAP HANA system.

When running hdbclm, SAP HANA will check if the underlying Amazon EBS storage of data and logs is shared. When adding node to SAP HANA backed system with Amazon EBS volumes, you may encounter error:

Directory '/hana/data/SID/mnt00001' is not shared on host123

To debug this error with hdbclm.log, you will see log error entries such as:

error 5514: cannot modify the system;host to be added cannot access shared data,log path

After installing the SAP HANA coordinator host in multi-node scale-out configuration, you must edit the parameter basepath_shared in /hana/shared/<SID>/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini

basepath_shared = yes

The default value of basepath_shared is 'yes'.

For Amazon EBS volumes, this must be set to 'no' to add nodes to the SAP HANA scale-out system.

basepath_shared = no
answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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