Global Table Conflict Resolution - how granular?


At what level does global table conflict resolution happen? Is it the entire item that is synced when the 'last writer wins'? Or can the conflict resolution merge changes to separate attributes or attribute sub fields?

If it is per item - it seems as if you would need to make sure each item is only written from one region at a time ever, to avoid losing data.

asked 3 years ago586 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The entire view of the latest updated item is what will win out - there is no merging of updates to the same item across regions. This is simple when the writes are idempotent - if they are conditional (using an optimistic locking pattern or similar) you do need to think about keeping strongly consistent reads and writes for a particular item in one region. You can of course make eventually consistent reads in any region.

answered 3 years ago

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