Domain Verification in the wrong region


Hi !

I just signing up for Amazon AWS and SES.
I followed all the instructions for verified my domain name.

And... success ?

I juste received a mail saying this :
Domain Verification SUCCESS for in region US East (Ohio)

The probleme is I live in France...

Why my domain is locating in Ohio ?
The Ip Location in my Whois is France

Anyone can help me to understand this problem and how to solve it ?
Thanks !

asked 3 years ago218 views
2 Answers

In upper right corner of console webpage, just select the region you want to work in.

See image:

Edited by: mdibella on Nov 30, 2021 10:38 AM

answered 3 years ago

Thank youuuuuu ! I didn't see it at all.

answered 3 years ago

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