Amazon IoT Device advisor test examples ?


Hello AWS team, Greeting from EU

We have been getting our hands dirty with using AWS IOT. While exploring the service we came across device advisor test. Can you please provide us with a some sample MQTT Client that we can use to test out the device advisor. Most of our test are failing and we would like to see an example which passes the test.

We are very inclined towards migrating to AWS IoT.

Regards JZ

1 Answer

Hi JZ. Please check the links on this page:

The V2 AWS IoT Device SDKs for C++/Java/Python/JavaScript are all qualified against AWS IoT Core Device Advisor. Also, AWS IoT Device Client (which uses the AWS IoT Device SDK V2 for C++) is compatible. So any of the V2 SDK demo programs, or the Device Client executable, will pass the MQTT Connect test case for example. Whether they will pass other test cases depends on what the particular program does. Since AWS IoT Device Client publishes and subscribes, it will pass the entire AWS IoT Core Qualification Program suite (if you restart it at each test case).

BTW, you can see the AWS IoT Device SDK V2 for C++ regression testing against Device Advisor in the CI:

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answered 2 years ago

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