How to remove Cloudwatch metrics cost?


In my AWS billing table, there is this line:

DescriptionUsage QuantityAmount in USD
$0.30 per metric-month for the first 10,000 metrics - US East (Northern Virginia)412.645 MetricsUSD 123.79

I want to reduce this cost and to do that, I need to see which metrics I won't want. However, I couldn't find the list of metrics I have enabled on my AWS Environment. Hence, I want help in locating these 412+ metrics and in deleting them.

2 Answers

You need to start analysing why you are charged for CloudWatch, then you will be able to disable the feature you don't want:

Please check this article:

CloudWatch billing and cost

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • That's what I am trying to analyze. I am trying to see which metrics that I am using to see if I can close any of them. I don't think you understood my question properly.



you have to go to the console > CloudWatch > Metrics

Then, you'll see something like the below where you can see all the metrics that are activated in your account and the service to which they relate.

As you can see, it's 929 in my account

Enter image description here



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I don't think this is the right answer, because I see 2,840 metrics in the same UI, but my billing console shows that I have used 412.645 Metrics in the last month (October, 2023). I think the UI is showing me all metrics I currently have available -- not the metrics that is being used.

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