Cannot install OpenSSH server on Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-Base-2022.10.27



I tried to find a way to report an issue concerning the following Amazon AMI (Windows_Server-2022-English-Full-Base-2022.10.27 - ami-017cdd6dc706848b2).

I cannot install the OpenSSH server feature either programmatically or manually.

I have to go back to the 2022.10.12 AMI or run Windows Update to get the latest cumulative KB.

Let me know where I can report it.


asked 2 years ago243 views
1 Answer

In order to report your issue, please take the following steps:

  1. Contact AWS Support by going to the following link: Create a case

  2. Insert your information and answer the questions regarding your issue

answered a year ago

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