I am not able to see any free tier Services


I am not able to see any free tier Services in my free tier billing section, I created my aws account 5 days before and not able to see my free tier services in my billing dashboard

asked a year ago1.6K views
2 Answers

Is this the first time you have applied for an AWS account using this email address?

What are you expecting to see in the billing dashboard that is absent?

If you create resources that fall within free tier these will be itemised along with everything else in your billing dashboard, but when the invoice is generated (usually at the end of the month) no charge will be levied against them.

For instance, free tier allows you 750 hours of small (t2.micro or t3.micro, depending on the region) EC2 instances, which is enough to run one continuously all month. If you provision an additional instance of a type other than the basic t2 (or t3).micro it will be chargeable from the start. Both will appear in the billing dashboard, but you will only be charged for the second one.

Good advice on tracking free tier usage is here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/tracking-free-tier-usage.html

If you feel you have been incorrectly charged for something, the steps for opening a billing support case are here http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/case-example.html

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answered a year ago

Are you logging in with the root account, or a IAM user. Does it have the right permissions?

answered a year ago

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