Opentelemetry data to opensearch


Hi, I have a aws kinesis firehose that is streaming open telemetry data that is in the open telemetry format. i want to send the data to openSearch to display the data in trace analitics?

Do I need to use data prepper to injust data into openSearch to view the data in trace analitics?

asked 7 months ago222 views
1 Answer

Yes, you will need to use the Data Prepper functionality in OpenSearch to ingest and transform the Open Telemetry data from AWS Kinesis Firehose into a format that can be used by Trace Analytics in OpenSearch. Trace Analytics requires you to add instrumentation to your application and generate trace data using an OpenTelemetry-supported library such as Jaeger or Zipkin. After you add instrumentation to your application, the OpenTelemetry Collector receives data from the application and formats it into OpenTelemetry data. Finally, Data Prepper, an independent OpenSearch component, formats that OpenTelemetry data for use with OpenSearch. Data Prepper runs on a machine outside of the OpenSearch Service cluster, similar to Logstash. For more information: Pre-requisites for Trace Analytics

answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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