Unable to delete Target Group.


Error: Target group 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:xxxxxxx' is currently in use by a listener or a rule.

But there is no LB associated with that target group. I have removed all load balancers, still not able to remove several target groups. Is it possible to force delete a target group?

asked 5 years ago7465 views
4 Answers

Hi, Any update on this? I am experiencing the same.
There is no listener rule in place for the target group in question. But when I try deleting it, getting exception target group is currently in use by a listener rule.

Thanks in advance.

answered 5 years ago

create Load balancer and add the TG again on it. then goto Listner section inside LB and select that TG to delete. then you can surely deleted the TG.

answered 4 years ago

Please follow the steps mentioned in below link

In short: -

  1. Create the load balancer again
  2. Choose Listener tab and delete the all listener
  3. Now try to delete the target group
    4 finally delete the load balancer too
answered 4 years ago

In my case, it seemed to me that there was no connection between any LoadBalancer and specific TargetGroup.
But within the LoadBalancer > Listeners > View/edit rules I had an Condition referring to specific TargetGroup.
I deleted the condition and oops, works!

Edited by: Eliezer on Jul 7, 2021 1:56 AM

answered 3 years ago

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