Please add TDL "" to Route53


We have a "" domain we wish to transfer to Route53, but "" does not appear to be in the list of supported top level domains. Would it be possible to add it?

The purpose of transferring to route53 is to renew the domain name more efficiently through route53.

asked 2 years ago207 views
1 Answer


Hello There,

Currently, the NEW TLD request are need to create a Feature Request via Customer Support (CS)/ Technical support (TS). I would suggest you to open a case with the CS for the same. There is no ETA as AWS does not publicize roadmap items, but you can check in periodically to see if this domain extension is available by reviewing these AWS documentation pages:

Domains that you can register with Amazon Route 53 -- -- [1]

What's New with AWS? -- -- [2]

AWS blogs -- [3]

That said, one way to use R53 (for better integration with AWS services, for example) without actually transfering the domain, is to update the name servers in your current registrar with R53 name servers. You can refer to the process here. [4] -- [4]

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answered 2 years ago

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