CodeBuild is not finishing - hung up on npm install


Hi. I use CodeBuild as a part of CodePipeline for a few months. I ran it a couple of times today.

About 30-40 minutes ago I started 2 CodePipeline processes and CodeBuild hung up exactly in the same moment in both of them - after npm install:

[Container] 2021/08/24 10:34:51 Running command npm install

I tried to click "Stop build" button, but it doesn't change much - it got stuck in "Stopping" status now. Currently they are running for 53 minutes. I've never had a problem like this, and also (as mentioned above), both CodeBuilds worked today correctly.

Do you have any other ways to cancel them, than clicking on "Stop build"? Is there a timeout when they cancel automatically?

asked 3 years ago902 views
1 Answer

Ok, I've figured it out. There is a timeout in configuration of CodeBuild. I had it set to 1h and both processes have stopped.

answered 3 years ago

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