Upgrade from Free Tier (LightSail) to a paied service


How to proceed to upgrade my LightSail based on Free Tier to a more capable paied plan? Thank in advance, Domenico Boffi

asked 10 months ago235 views
2 Answers

To change the Lightsail plan to a larger one, a snapshot must be created from the current Lightsail.
It is possible to change to a larger plan when creating a new Lightsail from the snapshot created.

profile picture
answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

There's no free tier in Lightsail. All plans are paid, but maybe you got 3 months free depending on the plan you choose. There's no upgrading a existing plan either. You can feel like you upgraded by deleting your low spec instance plan and creating a new higher spec instance plan.

answered 10 months ago

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