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SES account is healthy, but I still can't send emails



I have set up a few months ago some mail servers with verified identities, increased quotas and I was out of the sandbox and everything worked great until a few days ago when I noticed that the emails are no longer sent.

Reputation metrics are bellow warning levels and everything is green and active (I see "Status Healthy" in the dashboard), didn't get any notifications about the service being in verification or anything negative. All looks perfect, except emails are not sent + if I check the service's status in cloudshell with

aws ses get-account-sending-enabled --region eu-central-1

I get:

{ "Enabled": false }

I tried aws ses update-account-sending-enabled --enabled --region eu-central-1 , but nothing changes.

I also tried sending a "Test email" from and I get:

"The message can't be sent because the account's ability to send email is currently paused. Sending is paused for this account."

The support guys said only "I have confirmed that your account is active and able to send email in the EU Frankfurt region." and sent me here to find a solution :(

asked 2 years ago492 views
1 Answer

It seems like your AWS SES account's sending is currently paused. There could be multiple reasons for this, such as a high bounce or complaint rate, or some other policy violation. To resolve this issue, I suggest you take the following steps:

Check your email sending statistics and verify that there are no issues that could trigger a sending pause. You can check your sending statistics in the AWS Management Console by navigating to the SES dashboard and selecting the "Sending Statistics" option.

Check your email content and make sure that it is compliant with AWS SES policies. Make sure that your emails do not contain any spammy or phishing content.

Check your bounce and complaint rates. If your bounce or complaint rate is too high, then AWS SES may pause your sending. You can check your bounce and complaint rates in the AWS Management Console by navigating to the SES dashboard and selecting the "Sending Statistics" option.

Contact AWS Support to ask for more details about why your sending is paused. AWS Support can help you identify the cause of the issue and provide guidance on how to resolve it.

Once you have identified and resolved the issue, you can request that AWS SES resume your sending by submitting a case to AWS Support.

I hope these steps help you resolve the issue and resume your email sending.

answered 2 years ago
  • You haven't read my post, have you?:)

    I don't send spam content. The bounce and complaint rates are way bellow the warning lines. I already contacted the aws support and they say that the service is healthy "I have confirmed that your account is active and able to send email in the EU Frankfurt region." yet i can't send emails. I must say that the amazon support service is crap. :(

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