What is the difference btw AWS active directory services VS cognito identity pool VS SAML VS IDP's?


I want to understand the used cases and differences between AWS directory services, Cognito identity pool, SAML, OIDC and Identity providers (IDP's) in detail so that i could choose the appropriate service for my need.

1 Answer


AWS Directory Services is used when using Active Directory on AWS or when linking with an existing Active Directory on-premises.
For example, you often use AWS Directory Services when joining an RDS MSSQL server to Active Directory or using an FSx Windows file server.

Cognito identity pools are used to grant temporary AWS credentials to authenticated users.
For example, suppose an application user wants to access S3.
By setting up an ID pool at that time, it is possible to give access rights to S3 from application users.

It is not a service as it is a standard for authentication information used for SSO (single sign-on) and ID linkage.

OIDC is an authentication protocol that extends OAuth 2.0.

The following document contains a comparison between SAML and OIDC, which I think will be helpful.

IdP is a service that stores, manages, and provides user authentication information.

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answered 7 months ago

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