Server Encountered An Error - AWS Workspaces Web


This is an issue being faced by a single user when trying to login through their Workspaces Web version. We have multiple users using the service but only a single user with this issue.

Any ideas what would cause this?

"Server Encountered an Error Refresh the browser to restart your Workspace Web Session"

asked a year ago299 views
2 Answers

This is due to some port issues, check the NACL and Security groups. I had such issues in past and not able to find the anything from the documentation. Try and check the network from the user end also.

Do let me know once it will be resolved.

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answered a year ago

Can you elaborate on what you mean by port issues? I can't see how it can be NACL/Security Groups as the user is part of the same group as others who aren't having issues

answered a year ago

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