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Can I create static route for the same CIDR in a single transit gateway route table, having **Resource type** one as peering and the other as VPC?


I have 2 transit gateways one is in us-east-2 account A another one in af-south-1 account B, I have created transit gateway peering connection between the TGW A and B. Can I create static route for the same CIDR in a single transit gateway route table, having Resource type one as peering and the other as VPC?

asked 9 months ago546 views
1 Answer

No, you can't do that. While Transit Gateway supports attachments (VPCs, VPN, Direct Connect, other Transit Gateways, etc.) that have the same CIDR range you can't route to both of them (i.e. the same CIDR range) within a single route table.

If you imagine a world where you could do that (have a route for CIDR range A that points to destination X and destination Y), how would you route packets to A? Do you send packet 1 to X and packet 2 to Y and so on? If so, that would break your communications pretty badly.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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