Can Polly ignore the slash symbol when pronouncing?


In a sentence like this one:

The / father / and / the / mother.

I would like Polly to read it without pausing. Right now it makes a pause after each slash symbol.

Is there a command (e.g. skip symbol when pronouncing) so that Polly reads it as: The father and the mother.

*This does not happen in Spanish, French and German.

Edited by: maicart on Aug 4, 2020 2:20 AM

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asked 4 years ago331 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, if the slashes must be in the text, then the closest available option is wrapping the slashes in sub tags with an empty string alias, This will keep the slashes in the text, while removing them during synthesis. There isn't another option for English besides removing the slashes from the text outright. As for the language differences, thank you for making the discrepancy known to us.

answered 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for your answer.
Do you know if the Amazon team is planning on addressing this discrepancy?
If so, I wouldn't have to make modifications in my code.

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answered 4 years ago

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